Oh, The bird.
My little birdie is just about the sweetest little thing you've ever met.
When you meet her words like
Pixie, Elf, Imp
come to mind.
That mane of curls, sparkly blue eyes, elf ears, and topped off with earrings?
Such a dear as The Bird needed a dress full of
Only a Little like The Bird can get away with wearing so many colors and patterns in one fabulous dressy dress.
So let's put one together!
Materials needed:
Clearance tunic shaped shirt in preferred size
Fabric for main skirt (amount depends on the size dress that's being made)
Fabric for trim (amount depends on the size dress that's being made)
thread, scissors, measuring tape etc.
Spend some time with your kiddo and a measuring tape to decide how long the pieces should be.
Don't forget seam allowances.
My skirt pieces:
Main skirt-10in x selvage(45ish?)
trim-5in x selvage(45ish)
This was attached to a 2T shirt
Oh, look at that super cute shirt!
Lay down the main skirt piece face up
Lay the trim piece face down
Line up the long edges (look at the pic, ya'll)
Throw in a seam.
Unfold the skirt piece.
At this point iron the seam to the darker side, if ya wanna.
Bring the selvage (shorter) edges together
Throw in another seam.
The fabric should now be a tube.
Now, look really close to see a little snip I made in the grey dot fabric.
Make 4 snips, equally distanced around the grey dot fabric.
(This will help keep your ruffle even)
Sew a basting stitch about 1/4in from the grey dot edge
Lightly pull bobbin thread, creating a ruffle.
Create 4 washable marks on the bottom of the shirt equal distance apart.
Line up the snip marks with the washable marks on the shirt, right sides together.
Use lots and lots of pins to secure the skirt to the shirt, making sure the ruffle is evenly spaced between the marks.
Sew a seam, attaching the skirt to the shirt.
Yay! You did it!! Look at that loose ruffle? Whimsy, I tell you.
Last step!
Hem the bottom edge :)
Easiest way?
Fold fabric once, and press.
Find a fun decorative stitch on your sewing machine.
Zoom it across, making sure to catch the raw edge on the back.
Benefits? Keeps the hem edges clean and you only have to fold/press once.
Whimsy! Impish! Pixie! Puckish!
check, check, check, and check
perfect for that little peach. love it!